Aspara 373 is delivered freshly prepared.
Prepared for shipment in the morning and put into cold storage
It is a morning in Sagishima with birds chirping. The atmosphere is slow, but in the greenhouses, the morning harvest is proceeding briskly.
In order to deliver fresh and lush asparagus to our customers, the time to cold storage should be as fast as possible. We work in a short time from freshly picked first thing in the morning to storage in cold storage.
Adjusting the length of asparagus (cutting) and sorting the thickness of asparagus also takes time when done by hand, so we have installed a machine that can automate this process.
In addition, both Farms 1 and 2 are within a 5-minute walk to the processing plant. Processing begins immediately after harvest, and once completed, the asparagus are stored in state-of-the-art cold storage facilities.

Ultra-low temperature storage at sub-zero temperatures until shipment
Next-generation "Ice Sensation" cold storage system
The Aspara 373 is stored using the next-generation "Ice Sensation" cold storage system, which does not freeze even in sub-zero temperatures.
Normally, water will freeze at sub-zero temperatures. In the case of vegetables, this destroys the cells of the vegetable and reduces its appearance and taste.
The ice sensation technology prevents freezing by adding the power of high voltage inside the cold storage, keeping freshness at an extremely low temperature.

Terrific bags to protect freshness
Use freshness bags
Aspara 373 is delivered in a "freshness bag.
The special bags are used to prolong the life of the vegetables inside.
The mechanism of the freshness-retaining bags is that the ingredients in the bags absorb the gases produced by the vegetables and keep the vegetables inside at a moderate level of humidity, thereby prolonging the life of the vegetables.
We are making every effort to deliver "Setouchi Genki" in good condition.

Lastly, sincerity
We are doing our best.
I believe that the relationship between new challenges to improve efficiency and quality, and the heart-felt efforts of human hands is complementary.
→High-row type improves work efficiency and reduces the burden on the body.
→Automatic control by machine to manage water, fertilizer, temperature, and sunlight
☑Improved operational efficiency and quality
→Automatic machines are used for parts that can be mechanized in processing.
→Introduction of state-of-the-art ice cold storage
→Use special freshness bags
We will always challenge new things, never forgetting the important thoughts of "for whom and for what", and realize warm agriculture with sincerity.

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